How to Choose IBC Barrel Blow Molding Machine

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How to Choose IBC Barrel Blow Molding Machine

Admin August 10, 2019 2 Comments

When purchasing an IBC ton barrel blow molding machine, pay attention to the requirements of configuration, IBC layers, delivery date, etc. The configuration mainly revolves around the model of the IBC ton barrel blow molding machine, the blow mold, the product material and the configuration of the IBC production line.

Here's a summary of how to choose an IBC ton barrel hollow blow molding machine.

1. IBC ton barrel hollow blow molding machine model

The IBC ton barrel blow molding machine has different capacities of 800L, 1000L, 1200L and 1500L. In addition to capacity, the number of layers can also be customized.

The IBC ton barrel blow molding machine adopts a continuous production design and is equipped with a MOOG wall thickness controller. If the customer's budget is limited, they can choose whether to install the MOOG wall thickness controller according to the actual situation.

IBC tank blow molding machine

2. IBC ton barrel blow mold

The blow mold is an important part of the hollow blow molding machine. The mold materials include iron mold, steel mold, aluminum film, etc. The price of molds of different materials is different, and the production efficiency and product qualification rate are also different. Among them, the aluminum film mold has high heat transfer efficiency, high production efficiency, and high product qualification rate, so the price will be higher than other material molds. However, the aluminum film is cost-effective and has a long service life, so most customers will choose aluminum molds.

Before purchasing, you should communicate with the IBC ton barrel blow molding machine manufacturer clearly whether it is an aluminum mold or not. It is recommended that if you have enough funds, it is better to use an aluminum mold.

3. IBC ton barrel product material

Juncon's IBC ton barrel blow molding machine's feeder system is a gift, and can use a variety of production materials, such as HDPE, HMWHDPE, PE, PET, PP and other materials.

Use a high-power vacuum suction host, and configure the suction pipe according to the size, and the feeding is smoother.

Although the blow molding machine can produce products of many materials, the editor recommends that you choose HMWHDPE raw materials to produce products. Because HWMHDPE products are more durable, easier to sell and more profitable.

1000L IBC tank

4. IBC ton barrel blow molding production line configuration

Compared with other types of blow molding machines, the investment of IBC ton barrel blow molding machines is relatively large. Because in addition to the liner production line, the IBC ton barrel blow molding production line also needs a frame welding machine and a frame liner assembly line. The assembly line also includes leak testing, valve screwing, and palletizing machines.

The configuration of the IBC ton barrel production line can be purchased according to your needs. If you only want to make the IBC liner, Junkang can also make the IBC ton barrel blow molding machine alone.

Therefore, before purchasing, we must clarify the situation of the IBC ton barrels we want to produce, and directly communicate with the IBC blow molding machine manufacturer. The manufacturer will customize a suitable IBC blow molding machine solution for you according to your needs.

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